Irrespective of what you may think of Sean Miller he is in an untenable situation that is extremely unfair, having had his status and standing besmirched by espn based on so called "sources" about something that was supposedly under seal by court order. I watched Jordan Brown with Eric Bossi, and he is looking for some kind of closure before he decides on us. Jordan, if you know anything about the snail pace of federal court it ain't going to happen in your decision time line and maybe not in our lifetimes.
How do you provide any kind of certainty to recruits after your name and program have been drug through the mud nationally in headlines and soundbites? The only thing that could even things out is for the FBI to come out and flatly tell the court and the attorneys that there are no tapes of Sean Miller discussing a $100,000 payment to anybody. We know that is not likely to happen, but if I was Miller's or the UA's lawyer(s) I would be looking at all avenues to file a motion with the court asking for some kind of statement or clarification. Every day this hangs over his and our heads is another day of damage done to the program. I know it ain't going to happen but man, I sure would be exploring some kind of resolution like that if I was Bobby Robbins and S.M.
How do you provide any kind of certainty to recruits after your name and program have been drug through the mud nationally in headlines and soundbites? The only thing that could even things out is for the FBI to come out and flatly tell the court and the attorneys that there are no tapes of Sean Miller discussing a $100,000 payment to anybody. We know that is not likely to happen, but if I was Miller's or the UA's lawyer(s) I would be looking at all avenues to file a motion with the court asking for some kind of statement or clarification. Every day this hangs over his and our heads is another day of damage done to the program. I know it ain't going to happen but man, I sure would be exploring some kind of resolution like that if I was Bobby Robbins and S.M.