Curious as to what other people think about the performances so far of the Men Wildcats. Basically we are at the Mid-Term or soon will be as we approach the PAC 12 season. How would you grade the players and coaching thus far? Here are mine.
Brandon Williams - B Ryan Luther - C- or D+
Brandon Randolph - B Ira Lee - D+
Justin Coleman - B+ A. Barcelo - C
E. Akot - C+ (rising) Dylan Smith - C (Def - B, Off - D)
Chase Jeter - B+ D. Doutrive - Incomplete (hasn't played enough for a grade)
Coaching B- I think we will be able to tell a lot about SM this year in terms of player development and game coaching. He finally has players who think as a team and not as individuals and who appear to listen to his coaching and who work hard. So far I think SM has a strong B in game strategy, C+ in Player Development and a C in Player Substitution.
Brandon Williams - B Ryan Luther - C- or D+
Brandon Randolph - B Ira Lee - D+
Justin Coleman - B+ A. Barcelo - C
E. Akot - C+ (rising) Dylan Smith - C (Def - B, Off - D)
Chase Jeter - B+ D. Doutrive - Incomplete (hasn't played enough for a grade)
Coaching B- I think we will be able to tell a lot about SM this year in terms of player development and game coaching. He finally has players who think as a team and not as individuals and who appear to listen to his coaching and who work hard. So far I think SM has a strong B in game strategy, C+ in Player Development and a C in Player Substitution.