*** PODCAST: Call-in number ***

I have been asked to pin this number to the top so that it is handy for you all to call in whenever you decide to do so.

Here is the number to call: (520) 276-5034


1) For now let's do our best to keep these messages under four minutes just in case we have multiple messages that I want to use for each podcast.

2) Please leave your message board/log-in name either at the beginning or the end of the message. I can edit the voice messages that you will be leaving, so if you would like me to cut out your name from the final product that goes on the podcast I can do that to keep it more anonymous. However, I still want to make sure you identify yourself on the message so that I can verify that only subscribers are the ones leaving messages for me to use.

3) Although this is the internet, please limit profanity and any vulgarities. Treat it like you would a live public radio show.

4) Let's keep the topics to Arizona sports and things associated with the programs at the U of A. As much as I wouldn't mind getting into some other discussions I think it makes sense to keep it UA-focused for our purposes.

Lastly, there are essentially two ideas I have and want to utilize these voicemail messages for on the podcast. I would like to have a segment where you all ask questions that you have on your mind and I can answer them or use them for a discussion topic and then I also want to have a "sound off" type of segment, like I mentioned before, giving you all the opportunity to speak your mind uninterrupted. This will be time for you to rant, give your opinion or discuss something that hasn't been discussed.
