I would welcome other thoughts, but here is mine. After last night's exhibition game against a competitive team, Justin Coleman proved his worth to me and I'm glad he is here. The two Brandons have the potential of being a Batman and Robin dynamic duo. Luther and Jeter just need time to figure things out and how they fit in. At this point those five are definitely the starting five in my book. Lee, Barcello and Akot are depth, but need to figure things out as far as role. Last but not least, Smith, to me is the odd man out and unless SM has plans to redshirt Doutrive, I would be developing him now. Last comment. I have never seen SM more relaxed and smiling than last night, and yet still just as intense. I LOVED the way the team actually listened to him during the timeouts. The entire team. No stars looking bored or off to the crowd.