Arizona president Robert Robbins

Well, this comes as no surprise at all, but Arizona president Robert Robbins has announced that he will be stepping down by the end of his current term (June 30, 2026).

The university is in a massive financial deficit not only in athletics, but as a whole, which is estimated to be around $240 to $260 million.

Robbins took a pay-cut around a month ago, but now we are here with him stepping down.
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Insight on NIL

Hey guys, we have entered the thick of transfer season for college basketball. To give you guys an idea on what it takes to get high-level starter, Keshad Johnson was a very sought-after and it came down to Kentucky and Arizona.

Word has come out that Johnson got 400K from Arizona for this season.

So, let that be the base of what it will take to get guys like Johnson, or even Caleb Love to Tucson.
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Don’t panic (April Fool’s joke)

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This was brought up to me tonight and I saw it earlier in the day as well. I definitely had to do a double take myself so completely understand anyone who was duped. However, this is 100% an April Fool’s joke. Players aren’t able to enter the portal right now so that is one hole in this idea. But so not worry, there’s zero truth to this and it was just a Twitter account having some fun — in a not very fun way for Arizona fans.
